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Your biomechanics trend book for cosmetics and pharmacology


The risks and solutions to aluminium-based antiperspirants

Sweating is a natural physiological phenomenon which can be activated by various factors such as the temperature of the room you’re in, a physical activity, a fever or even an emotion...

It has become very common in our society to prevent the sweating inconvenience by using cosmetic products such as deodorant and antiperspirant daily.
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Lights on...

How to evaluate the anti-aging and regenerating effect of an active ingredient ?

Skin is composed of three main layers, one of them being the epidermis. Inside the epidermis, the deeper layer of keratinocytes is responsible for the regeneration and renewal of the epidermis by maintaining tissue homeostasis.

Discover how BioMeca studies the anti-aging and regenerating effect of an active ingredient using atomic force microscopy.
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What's new at BioMeca?

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A new logo !

We are glad to announce that the rebranding process started in 2020 with our new website is now finalized with this last step : a brand-new logo !
A new press release in the Expression Cosmétique Magazine

BioMeca is delighted to share with you an extract of its author’s article in the Expression Cosmétique Magazine special issue « Beauty Service Providers Guide ».
You are going to discover our latest solution about « The mechanical signatures of epidermal renewal».

Discover a 2-pages extract below. 👇
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Two new Members in the BioMeca team !
September is full of newcomers, with our two new members !
BioMeca is welcoming
Marie-Zoé Schnellmann who will be strengthening the R&D team
as an intern in skin biology.
The marketing team is also adding a new member with
Manon Durand, our new Communication Manager.

A warm welcome to them ! 🎉
We will be at
Cosmetic 360 !

This year, BioMeca's COO
will attend Cosmetic 360, the global showcase for innovation in the fragrance and cosmetics industry
as a visitor.
Feel free to contact her if you want to meet up with her at the event !

Picture of the month

Culture of fibroblasts in collagen disc.

Nuclear (green) and actin cytoskeleton (red) labeling.

Copyright © BioMeca ®
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Copyright © BioMeca ® 2020

BioMeca SAS
BIOPARC - Bioserra 2, 60F avenue Rockefeller
69008 Lyon

Phone: +33 (0)4 72 728935

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